These closed or semi-open circuits encounter various problems linked to the low renewal rate of water and the presence of several construction metals: scaling, organic or mineral sludge, chemical and electrochemical corrosion, development of micro-organisms. Pre-treatment of the feed water is often recommended to prevent these factors from affecting the efficiency and longevity of the installations. This must be supplemented by chemical treatment.

TRESCH Traitement des Eaux
provides complete treatment solutions for these types of circuits :

- Diagnosis of the installation
- Circuit summary : Volume, construction, temperature…
- Treatment solution to be implemented
- Supply of the most appropriate raw water treatment equipment
- Filtration, softening, dosing units...
- Supply of packaging products
- A range of products with anti-scale and anti-corrosion properties (MAJOXY, MK49, AC8836, AC332)
- A range of bactericidal and fungicidal products for continuous treatment and disinfection operations (ALG200, ALG600, ALG800)
- A range of curative treatments and slow descaling services (NET6211, NET8634)
- Treatment follow-up
- Supply of analysis equipment and products needed by the customer to monitor his treatment
- Setting up a facility logbook
- Chemical assistance contract carried out by our after-sales service